Common Clinical Presentations of Hypermobile Ehlers Danlos Syndrome
EDS symptoms are diverse, which can lead to a large variety of clinical presentations. Some are rare or misattributed to other...
Common EDS Co-Occurances and Comorbidities List
This is by no means the complete list. While connective tissue is everywhere, each person with EDS has different presentations of EDS....
EDS Social Media Pages
This is an ongoing list (last updated 10/28/24) Instagram: @hypermobilitymd @geneticallybendy @izzy.kornblau @ .vibe...
EDS Educational Resources For Providers
This is an ongoing list (last updated 10/28/24). See something missing? Email to contribute. EDS Education: EDS...

EDS Books
This is updated on an ongoing basis (last update 10/28/24) Books I Love: Disjointed - Can't recomend this book enough. Each chapter is a...
Portland EDS Providers
Portland Ehlers Danlos Syndrom Providers

Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS) Podcasts
Podcasts all about EDS